Our People


Rev. Alex Barton

I am from Baltimore Maryland but now call Lorain home. Most recently I lived and attended seminary in New York City where I worked at two different parishes in Harlem. I love to garden, bake, read, and listen to jazz records. I think that church is about creating a welcoming and loving space that helps us deal with the hard bits of life while also celebrating the joyful moments.


Farm Crew

The farm crew keeps our Solidarity Urban Farm growing. They are committed to providing their organic, local produce to as many of the farm neighbors and wider Lorain community as possible.

Our team consists of:

Jenna Smith, Community Outreach Coordinator

Amy Melena, Farm and Flower Manager

Henry Albanese, Farm and Partnerships Manager

Jim Goforth, Farm Manager

Office Crew

Our office crew is essential to keep our parish running smoothly! We are currently looking for an office administrator. Tom Pfaff is our Treasurer.



The Vestry is a group of parishioners who oversee the life of the parish with the priest…Think of them as a nonprofit board, helping to balance the budget, making sure the building is in order etc.



Our cooks provide food which is central to our identity as a parish. We are called to break bread with one another… but it helps when there are people who know how to bake!!!


Sandy Croucher
Senior Warden

Kathryn Pfaff
Junior Warden

Tom Pfaff

Kelsey Smith

Liz Schaefer


Janis Engle

Jenna Smith

Henry Albanese

Amy Melena

Joe Firment

Jay Graves

Anne Yug